Improving food quality

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Improving food quality

For today's consumers, the quality of food reaching the people is a crucial aspect of the product, not only for the possibility that infectious vehiculen or contaminants (food safety), but diseases because every day cares much more than swallowed, looking for food to be healthy, safe and healthy. The food industry must therefore respond to what consumers demand. The loss of quality of a product, may be due to the presence of pathogens or spoilage microorganisms so that they do not fit or unfit for consumption. Likewise, identifying its composition can be crucial to prevent fraud and to protect consumers in the event of altered foods or allergies. Hence the need arises food industry, require procedures to best meet the quality and composition of the products put on the market, both in terms of the raw materials used, and in terms of manufacturing processes and of course the final product. Additionally, these methods could be used from a standpoint of quality control also by the competent authority.

Moreover, obtaining microorganisms which are able to produce bacteriocins or bioactive peptides (as antimicrobial, antihypertensive, antioxidant, antithrombotic, immunomodulatory) are tools to improve food quality by increasing its half-life by preventing contamination by other microorganismsThey can be alterative but also pathogens (bacteriocins) and even in its composition containing beneficial elements for health (bioactive peptides).