Support Programe for R&D of regional interest
S2013/ABI-2747. 2014-2018
The Advanced Technology Program in Health Surveillance (TAVS) proposes the application of emerging technologies in the area of food and agriculture for improving the quality and food safety and improved efficiency systems of agricultural and livestock production, according to the purposes of FAO, EU and WHO in the coming decades. The policy framework of the program encompasses the entire food chain under the approach "farm to fork".
Animal Health, Food Safety and Environment. They belong to five of the most renowned Spanish scientific institutions (UCM, UPM, INIA, ISCIII and CIEMAT) that have shown their success participating in two previous calls of R+D Activities Program of the CM. Moreover, the consortium is enhanced by the participation of one laboratory belonging to the RELAB, as well as public administrations, nonprofit entities and leading companies to all involved sectors, that participate as associated organisms assuring technology transfer.
The relevance of TAVS program lies in the application of cutting-edge technologies generation, available on the consortium members, for conducting approximations to the real problems of companies and administrations from different points of view, in order to create strategies and confluent synergies that will produce effective, fast, sustainable solutions economically and covering the complexity of the problem.