Improving agricultural and livestock production systems

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Improving agricultural and livestock production systems

Animal production sometimes implies oriented optimize production rates animals may result in the disruption of the normal microbiota in producing animal feed pathologies. On the other hand, some microorganisms that can form part of the normal microbiota of animals for slaughter constitute a risk to the health of people when they reach the consumer through the contamination of food (such as Campylobacter). In the program is to assess the composition of the normal microbiota of animals for slaughter, and the changes that occur when applying a functional and / or probiotic diet based on improving production rates, the decline in pathologies of animals and decreasing the microbial load of pathogens and antimicrobial use. All this aims to reinforce the sustainability of farms and in turn ensure the quality and safety of their products.

Furthermore, they studies detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) will be held, and bioaerosols related adsorption system verification will be made. VOCs are a problem that affects air quality of livestock facilities and welfare of the animals and their keepers. It also beneficial decreasing their release into the environment.