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In press

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases publishes this research article of SUAT-UCM

Authors:  Laddomada A., Rolesu S., Loi F., Cappai S., Oggiano A., Madrau MP., Sanna ML., Pilo G., Bandino E., Brundu D., Cherchi S., Masala S., Marongiu D., Bitti G., Desini P., Floris V., Mundula L., Carboni G., Pittau M., Feliziani F., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Jurado C., Guberti V., Chessa M., Muzzeddu M., Sardo D., Silvio B., Mulas D., Salis G., Zinzula P., Piredda S., De Martini A., Sgarangella F
Magazine:  Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
DOI:  10.1111/tbed.13138
ISSN:  1865-1674
Category:  Veterinary Sciences
Impact factor:  3.504

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