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Unidad de Defensa Biológica


The Biological Defence Unit of the Technological Institute "The Marañosa" depends on the Defense Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Area (NBC).


  • Permanent testing laboratory identification of biological warfare agents.
  • Technical advice on biological protection
  • Testing and preparation of studies in the field of defense against threats from biological, that improve detection techniques and optimize diagnostic procedures, decontamination and NBC protection.
  • Assessment of the capacity of detection, identification, analysis, control and protection of different materials and equipment against biological agents.
  • Advice and evaluation of R & D, national and international
  • R & D test procedures for defense, surveillance and protection agents "high risk".
  • Detection and identification of biological agents, as well as creating and maintaining databases.
  • Trainability and training biodefense.
  • Support for international organizations in the control of biological weapons, such as laboratory designated by the OPCW.
  • Technical training and training of specialist staff in analytical methodology for the identification of biological weapons within the framework established by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).


  • Level II biological laboratory.
  • Laboratory biological and environmental technology.
  • Laboratories immunology, microbiology, molecular biology and instrumental techniques.
  • Laboratory chromatography.
  • Laboratory atomic spectrophotometry.
  • Laboratory molecular spectrophotometry.
  • Laboratory of microscopy and microanalysis.
  • Laboratory sample preparation.
  • Teaching classrooms with capacity for 30 people.
  • Equipment: biological safety cabinets, microscopes, biological simulants, chambers of microbial count, radioactive sources and reference standards, irradiator with high activity sources, spectrometers, genetic analyzer, thermal cyclers, semi-automatic identification of microorganisms.


  • Collaboration with universities and other R & D as Promoter-Observer in its R + D + i
  • Collaboration with domestic industry, as an advisory body and / or evaluation in R + D, national and international, in the areas of interest in NBC Area
  • Teaching and training staff of the Armed Forces, the Security Forces of the State and other public bodies (universities, R & D, etc.) on NBC Defence.
  • Testing and evaluation of equipment and protective equipment against biological aggressive
  • Creating and maintaining databases of biological agents
  • Technical advice on biological protection
  • Research and development in equipment used for the detection, identification and monitoring, decontamination and protection (individual and collective) biological
  • Detection and identification of biological agents

Instituto Tecnológico 'La Marañosa' (ITM)
Ministerio de Defensa
Carretera M-301, km 10,500
28330 San Martín de la Vega

Telephone: +34 91 174 2164
