Inicio / Resultados / Publicaciones
Publicaciones SUAT-UCM
- Surveillance and control of African Swine Fever in free-ranging pigs in Sardinia
- Enfermedades emergentes
- The first oral ASF vaccine
- Diagnostics and vaccines: The role of diagnosis in the control of ASF
- Mesa redonda: Herramientas de control en la Peste Porcina Africana
- Spatio-temporal trends in the frequency of interspecific interactions between domestic and wild ungulates from Mediterranean Spain
- Control de la tuberculosis. Importancia de los animales salvajes como reservorio de la tuberculosis. La vacunación como herramienta de control de la tuberculosis
- Assessment of reproducibility of a VP7 Blocking ELISA diagnostic test for African horse sickness
- Peste porcina africana. Ya casi en toda Europa. ¿estamos preparados?
- Bioseguridad
- PPA, la mayor amenaza para la industria porcina
- Amenazas sanitarias con la globalización
- Enfermedades emergentes en el sector ovino y caprino. Riesgo. Medidas de bioseguridad aplicables en explotaciones de ovino y caprino
- Situación actual y perspectivas de la ppa en Europa
- Biosecurity and Control of ASF in Different Scenarios
- Vacunación en jabalí: aproximación para el control de PPA
- La peste porcina africana amenaza de nuevo ¿Estamos preparados?
- Animales de vida libre como reservorio de enfermedades
- Varamientos y detección viral en cetáceos. Su relación epidemiológica
- Nuevos estudios científicos 2015-2018 en materia de epidemiología y fauna silvestre. Perspectiva de futuro
- Situació de la pesta porcina africana a Europa
- Current situation of ASF worldwide and status of development of a possible vaccine
- Gestión de crisis sanitarias en el ganado porcino. 1ª parte: Las enfermedades más temibles del porcino
- Mesa Redonda: no te marches con dudas
- First oral immunization in wild boar against African Swine Fever
- Novel and highly sensitive sybr® green real-time pcr for poxvirus detection in odontocete cetaceans
- Sequencing of the tandem repeat sequences (TRS) within the intergenic region between the multigene family 505 9R -10R genes: additional tool for subtyping genotype II African swine fever (ASF) isolates
- Viral infections of Swine 1.Oral session 4
- African swine fever: The biggest threat for the European swine industry - what can we do?
- Genetic heterogeneity of dolphin morbilliviruses detected in the Spanish Mediterranean in inter-epizootic period
- Could African swine fever and classical swine fever viruses enter into the United States via swine products carried in air passengers` luggage?
- Diseño de nuevos métodos diagnóstico y sistemas de detección temprana: empleo de nuevas tecnologías e innovaciones en vigilancia de enfermedades animales en Porcino y Bovino
- Importancia de la Vigilancia de las enfermedades animales: factores sanitarios, medioambientales y otros factores de riesgo
- Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in three common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus); A first description from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- ¿Podrían entrar por aeropuertos de Estados Unidos dos enfermedades porcinas de declaración obligatoria a través del equipaje de pasajeros?
- African Swine Fever- soon all over Europe?
- Simulacro presencial de fiebre aftosa
- Simulacro digital
- Importancia de la detección temprana
- Hepatitis E virus in sympatric cattle and wild ungulates in the Doñana National Park, Spain
- The communication challenge of infection diseases
- Impact of piglet oral vaccination against tuberculosis in endemic free-ranging wild boar populations
- Caso clínico. Peste Porcina Africana. Tuberculosis y Aujeszky
- Caso clínico de Fiebre Aftosa
- Síndrome respiratorio y reproductivo porcino (PRRS)
- Interacción doméstico-salvaje, soluciones a este problema
- Peste porcina Africana, diferencias con la clásica
- Principales amenazas del sector porcino europeo. Bioseguridad en las explotaciones porcinas
- Caso clínico y simulación
- PSA: nuove tecniche di diagnosi, di azione e strategie di controllo
- Gaps in African swine fever: Analysis and priorities
- ASF eradication: where are the problems?
- Systematic review and assessment of measures to prevent the spread of African swine fever in the domestic pig sector
- Why is African swine fever still present in Sardinia?
- Relevant Measures to Prevent the Spread of African Swine Fever in the European Union Domestic Pig Sector
- An advection-deposition-survival model to assess the risk of introduction of vector-borne diseases through the wind: Application to bluetongue outbreaks in Spain
- Assessment on living WB movements in EuropeImplications of ASFV introduction
- Phylodynamics and evolutionary epidemiology of African swine fever p72-CVR genes in Eurasia and Africa
- Proteger al sector porcino extensivo en España
- Understanding African Swine Fever infection dynamics in Sardinia using a spatially explicit transmission model in domestic pig farms
- La PPA amenaza de nuevo ¿Qué podemos hacer?
- Nuevos estudios científicos 2013-2016 en materia de epidemiología y fauna silvestre. Perspectivas de futuro
- Situación sanitaria de carnívoros silvestres en Castilla-La Mancha: preparando el terreno para el lince ibérico
- Monitorización sanitaria del lince ibérico reintroducido en Castilla-La Mancha
- Primeros datos de área de campeo del jabalí (Sus scrofa, L. 1758) en Galicia
- El incremento poblacional del jabalí amenaza la fauna silvestre asociada a los humedales
- Efecto de la tortuosidad sobre las estimas del rango diario de desplazamiento: el jabalí (Sus scrofa) como caso de estudio
- Actualización de la peste porcina africana en la interfaz jabalí/porcino doméstico: medidas preventivas
- The outline of African swine fever
- Ecological Impacts of Wild Ungulate Overabundance on Mediterranean Basin Ecosystems
- Enfermedades Exóticas
- Approaches and Perspectives for Development of African Swine Fever Virus Vaccines
- Identification of a New Genotype of African Swine Fever Virus in Domestic Pigs from Ethiopia
- Update on the Risk of Introduction of African Swine Fever by Wild Boar into Disease-Free European Union Countries
- Detección precoz de infecciones porcinas mediante un sistema de monitorización en tiempo real
- Body temperature and motion: Evaluation of an online monitoring system in pigs challenged with Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome Virus
- Immune system: an essential approach to the study of infectious diseases in honey bee colonies
- Risk factors for African swine fever persistence in Sardinia
- Recent spread of an old disease: tuberculosis in wild ungulates from southern Spain
- Gripe Aviar: factores clave en la bioseguridad de la EU
- Motion-based video monitoring for early detection of livestock diseases: The case of African swine fever
- Histopathology of central nervous system lesions and related etology in cetaceans stranded along the spanish coasts
- Emerging and reemerging diseases in large animals
- Update of ASF in Europe
- Borders vs Traceability; Tax vs Data
- Serological Surveillance and Direct Field Searching Reaffirm the Absence of Ornithodoros Erraticus Ticks Role in African Swine Fever Cycle in Sardinia
- Technological advances in veterinary diagnostics: opportunities to deploy rapid decentralised tests to detect pathogens affecting livestock
- Diagnosis and surveillance of swine diseases in Europe
- A global vision of African swine fever control
- Immunologia nelle malattie neglette
- Epidemiología y Matemáticas
- Nuevos estudios científicos 2013-2016 en materia de epidemiología y fauna silvestre. Perspectivas de futuro
- Consequences to the UK's animal health and welfare following the decision to leave the European Union
- African swine fever: an update
- One health: a personal view
- Nuevas estrategias para el control y erradicación de la peste porcina africana
- Análisis epidemiológico y molecular de los principales patógenos en Apis mellifera y su importancia en el desencadenamiento del colapso de las colmenas
- Early Detection of Infection in Pigs through an Online Monitoring System
- Direct personnel costs. Natural persons with direct contract. Inhouse consultancy
- A Comparison of Deformed Wing Virus in Deformed and Asymptomatic Honey Bees
- Prediction of Pig Trade Movements in Different European Production Systems Using Exponential Random Graph Models
- Active animal health surveillance in European Union Member States: gaps and opportunities
- Control de la tuberculosis. Importancia de los animales salvajes como reservorio de la tuberculosis. La vacunación como herramienta de control de la tuberculosis
- Risk mapping of West Nile virus circulation in Spain, 2015
- Situación epidemiológica y patológica en Europa
- Visita a las instalaciones del laboratorio de seguridad nivel 3 del centro VISAVET
- Servicio de Inmunología Viral y Medicina Preventiva
- Effectiveness and practicality of control strategies for African swine fever: what do we really know?
- La amenaza biológica y química
- Development of a Microsphere-based Immunoassay for Serological Detection of African Horse Sickness Virus and Comparison with Other Diagnostic Techniques
- Tuberculosis-Associated Death among Adult Wild Boars, Spain, 2009-2014
- Desarrollo de modelos para la evaluación de riesgos en sanidad animal
- La comunicación en la crisis del Ébola
- Análisis de Riesgos y Protocolos (naturales, antrópicos, biológicos). Asignatura de Otros Procesos Biológicos Generadores de Riesgo
- Importance of Ecological Factors and Colony Handling for Optimizing Health Status of Apiaries in Mediterranean Ecosystems
- Enfermedades exóticas
- Constant Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) Circulation in Wild Boar and Red Deer in Spain: An Increasing Concern Source of HEV Zoonotic Transmission
- Detection of African Swine Fever Antibodies in Experimental and Field Samples from the Russian Federation: Implications for Control
- Identification of Suitable Areas for African Horse Sickness Virus Infections in Spanish Equine Populations
- Information Systems for Agricultural Risk Management. Assessment in 7 Africa Countries Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal and Uganda
- Determinación de herpesvirus en tejidos de cetáceos varados en el Mediterráneo valenciano entre 2010 y 2013
- Relationship between landscape characteristics and colony health in Apis mellifera in Tenerife Island (Spain)
- Illegal trade of avian species in Spain: health implications
- Characterization of pig production in Sardinia and its relationship with ASF presence
- One health: a personal view
- Development and evaluation of a new lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies against African Horse Sickness and Equine Infectious Anemia viruses
- Detection of African Swine Fever Virus Antibodies in Serum and Oral Fluid Specimens Using a Recombinant Protein 30 (p30) Dual Matrix Indirect ELISA
- Development of a Luminex-Based DIVA Assay for Serological Detection of African Horse Sickness Virus in Horses
- Viruses. Session I. Why animal health matters
- Exposition of Problem 1
- El futuro en la Innovación en Sanidad Animal
- Gestión de la información y de la comunicación en situaciones de crisis y/o de riesgos percibidos
- Gestión de la información y de la comunicación en situaciones de crisis y/o de riesgos percibidos
- Aplicación de la termografía en la detección de lesiones cutáneas en mamíferos marinos
- Problemática de la peste porcina africana en Europa. Alternativas futuras
- ¿Por qué seguimos sin vacuna para la peste porcina africana?
- Variabilidad de polen y estado sanitario de las colmenas
- Thirty-Five-Year Presence of African Swine Fever in Sardinia: History, Evolution and Risk Factors for Disease Maintenance
- Natural immunity of sheep and lambs against the Schmallenberg virus infection
- Poxvirus detection in skin lesions in wild and captive cetaceans
- Development of a fluorescent microbead-based immunoassay for anti-Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae antibody detection in captive and free-ranging cetaceans
- Spatial and Functional Organization of Pig Trade in Different European Production Systems: Implications for Disease Prevention and Control
- Implementation and validation of an economic module in the Be-FAST model to predict costs generated by livestock disease epidemics: Application to classical swine fever epidemics in Spain
- Clinical recognition of the disease and vaccination strategies
- Evidence of shared bovine viral diarrhea infections between red deer and extensively raised cattle in south-central Spain
- Fluorescent microbead-based immunoassay for anti-Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae antibody detection in cetaceans
- African swine fever virus transmission cycles in Central Europe: Evaluation of wild boar-soft tick contacts through detection of antibodies against Ornithodoros erraticus saliva antigen
- El Mar y la Ciencia. Introducción
- First Detection of Antibodies Against African Swine Fever Virus in Faeces Samples
- Experimental Transmission of African Swine Fever (ASF) Low Virulent Isolate NH/P68 by Surviving Pigs
- First molecular determination of herpesvirus from two mysticete species stranded in the Mediterranean Sea
- Wildlife and livestock use of extensive farm resources in South Central Spain: implications for disease transmission
- Epidemiologic and economic assessment of an epidemic of African horse sickness virus in Andalusia, Spain
- One health observatories for emerging zoonotic arbovirosis
- A conceptual framework for risk stratification to inform the design of riskbased surveillance aimed at early detection of exotic or emerging diseases
- Implementation and validation of an economic module for a epidemiological model Be-FAST to predict de costs generated by livestock diseases epidemics
- Develop an epidemiological and economic metamodel to assess the impact of an African horse sickness epidemic in a free region under diferent environmental scenarios
- Online monitoring of pig motion for a cost reduced early detection of infection
- New insights into the role of ticks in African swine fever epidemiology
- Bioterrorismo
- Enfermedades exóticas del cerdo
- ASFV vectorial transmission in Europe: what is the real risk?
- Summary of objectives and achievements
- Thermal reference points as an index for monitoring body temperature in marine mammals
- Applicability of faeces samples for detecting antibodies against African swinve fever
- Genetic characterization of a novel adenovirus detected in captive bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates) suffering from self-limiting gastroenteritis
- Suvaxyn® CSF Marker, the first live marker vaccine against Classical Swine Fever Disease authorized at European level
- A novel antigen capture ELISA for the specific detection of IgG antibodies to elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus
- Situación de la PPA y medidas para frenar su avance en Europa
- Detección, prevalencia y epidemiología molecular de virus en cetáceos
- Evolução histórica e situação atual da língua azul em Espanha
- Comunicación de crisis
- Comunicación en crisis sanitarias
- Análisis molecular de los principales patógenos en Apis melliphera y su importancia en el desencadenamiento del colapso en las colmenas
- Action plan to advance towards harmonisation and validation in line with OIE standards of AHS RT-PCR diagnostic methods for international trade
- Discussion and Conclusions of the ring trial
- SUAT-VISAVET group, presentations of the ongoing projects and research lines
- Meeting with the respresantatives researchers of "One Health" in Spain
- African Swine Fever: A Global Threat to the Swine Industry
- ASF in Europe
- Systematic review of surveillance systems and methods for early detection of exotic, new and re-emerging diseases in animal populations
- Assessing the risk of African swine fever introduction into the European Union by wild boar
- Math + Health = x. Solving the equation
- Be-FAST: a time-spatial stochastic spread model for studying the transmission of infectious livestock diseases and its economic impact
- Comparative analysis of cellular immune responses and cytokine levels in sheep experimentally infected with bluetongue virus serotype 1 and 8
- Real-time monitoring livestock on line
- Enfermedades infecciosas en cetáceos
- Interacciones entre los factores medioambientales y sanitarios en los colmenares de la Comunidad de Madrid
- Diagnóstico virológico en Apis mellifera y su aplicación al estudio epidemiológico
- Ornithodoros erraticus como vector de la peste porcina africana en la isla de Cerdeña
- Problemas de la vacuna para la Peste Porcina Africana
- Termografía aplicada al diagnóstico de gestación de jirafas
- Aplicación de la termografía en diagnóstico de gestación de tapir amazónico (Tapirus terrestris)
- Aplicación de la termografía en el diagnostico de gestación de oso panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
- El ébola como zoonosis
- Problemática de la peste porcina en Europa. Alternativas futuras
- "Interrelación ciclo doméstico silvestre. Implicaciones sanitarias"
- Ventajas y desventajas de la vacunación de emergencia en Fiebre Aftosa
- Aplicación de la termografía en la valoración de las consecuencias derivadas de la amputación de un miembro torácico en aves rapaces
- Estudio de poxvirus en mamíferos marinos
- Eradication of African swine fever
- African Swine Fever
- Problemas actuales de la cría del cerdo industrial
- Vacunación de emergencia en Peste Porcina Clásica
- Expresión y purificación de las proteínas p12 y p30 de la peste porcina africana para su aplicación a un nuevo test diagnóstico basado en la tecnología Luminex
- Estudio termográfico de tres casos clínicos en koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)
- Evaluation of the risk factors contributing to the African swine fever occurrence in Sardinia, Italy
- Adenovirus: should it be in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease in dolphins?
- Herpesvirus determination in free-ranging cetaceans stranded in the Mediterranean sea between June 2010 and June 2013
- Development of a model to a early detect food safety crises consequences
- Evolución histórica y situación actual de la lengua azul en España
- Novel adenovirus detected in captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) suffering from self-limiting gastroenteritis
- Vigilancia de las enfermedades emergentes del cerdo
- Is it possible to prepare an ASF recipe for preventing the introduction of ASF?
- Updating on epidemiological scenarios of ASF
- ASF: The main threat of the global pig industry. A view of its present and future
- Eradicazione della Peste suina Africana: quali attività devono essere migliorate in Sardegna?
- Genetic characterization of porcine populations tolerant to new variants of African swine fever virus using a medium-density DNA chip
- Histopathological findings in cetaceans stranded on the spanish mediterranean coast between 2011 and 2014
- An Update on the Epidemiology and Pathology of African Swine Fever
- First molecular detection and characterization of herpesvirus and poxvirus in a Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens)
- Globalización y Sanidad Animal - Salud Pública
- ÉBOLA: Revisión, importancia zoonósica y actuación veterinaria en España
- Bluetongue in Spain: from the first outbreak to 2012
- Contingency Policy making in the EU and the recommendations to the ASF Contingency plan in China
- Vector Disease Risk in Spain
- Peste Porcina Africana
- Key points for the prevention and control of ASF
- Simultaneous Detection of African Swine Fever Virus Antibodies in Serum and Oral Fluid Using a Recombinant p30 Antibody ELISA
- Decompression sickness (`the bends`) in sea turtles
- Evaluation of the spatial and temporal distribution of and risk factors for Bluetongue serotype 1 epidemics in sheep Extremadura (Spain), 2007-2011
- Farm-level risk factors for the occurrence, new infection or persistence of tuberculosis in cattle herds from South-Central Spain